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Biosciences Graduate Research Symposium 2015

The Biosciences Graduate School Committee (BGSC) are proud to announce BGRS 2015! Taking place on 13-14 April 2015 in the School of Biosciences.

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building
School of Biosciences

Taking place on 13-14 April 2015 in the School of Biosciences.
Once again School of Biosciences will be host to the BGRS - showcasing our post graduate researchers and the amazing work they do.
Across Monday 13 and Tuesday 14 April there will be student lead talks taking place in Biosciences rooms NG08, E102 or 301 starting daily at 9.30am. There will also be a poster session at 2.15pm - 3.45pm Tuesday 14 followed by a drinks reception in the Undercroft, a buffet lunch will be provided on Tuesday 14 at 12pm - also in the Undercroft.

In addition to student lead talks we are excited to announce our two Keynote speakers.

Monday 13 April 1.30pm - 2.30 pm
Clare Matterson
(Member of the Executive Board and Strategy Director at the Wellcome Trust)
Will talk about public engagement and science policy.
(Haworth building HWTH-101)

Tuesday  14 April 1.00 pm - 2.00 pm
Professor Jo Bradwell
(Professor of Immunology University of Birmingham, founder of the Binding Site and donor for the BiFoR initiative)
Will talk about how he developed his research into a highly successful spin out company.
(Haworth building HWTH-101).

Both talks are expected to be hugely popular so we are operating an online registration system - please register to attend each talk here before the day.