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CRRE hosts meeting of the Runnymede Trust's 'Academic Forum'

CRRE hosts meeting of the Runnymede Trust's 'Academic Forum' - a group of leading academics who met to discuss policy ideas on issues relating to race equality

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building

On the 5th March 2015, CRRE hosted a meeting in the School of Education of the Runnymede Trust's 'Academic Forum' - a group of leading academics who met to discuss policy ideas on issues relating to race equality. This meeting was open to all and aimed to encourage a sharing of views on the current situation as the General Election draws closer.

Presentations on the day included:

  • Professor David Gillborn (University of Birmingham): The Monsterization of Race Equality: how hate became honourable
  • Nadena Doherty (University of Keele): Black History Month and Black History with Key Stage 3 Students in England: A Critical Race Theory Approach
  • Robin Richardson (Insted): Narrative, nation and classrooms - the latest twists and turns in a perennial debate
  • Professor Hakim Adi (University of Chichester): Why is History such an unpopular subject for black students and teachers?