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Engineering and Physical Sciences in the media - January 2015

From loading dishwashers to the Large Hadron Collider and more...

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building
  • Dr Haider Butt, Lecturer in Micro Engineering and Nanotechnology was featured in Chemical & Engineering News for his research paper titled Graphene-Based Ultrathin Flat Lenses. (22.01.15)
  • Astrophysics PhD student, Maggie Lieu was interviewed on BBC Radio 4 Woman’s Hour on Tuesday 27 January to discuss being shortlisted to go to Mars.
  • University of Birmingham academics Dr Tiago Campante and Professor Bill Chaplin discovered five Earth-sized planets that are the oldest in the Universe, and were created when the universe was only 20% of its current age. The story garnered media attention from all over the globe including the Times of IndiaHindustan TimesThe New York TimesThe Los Angeles TimesDie ZeitO GloboSinaCanada Broadcasting Coroporation, ABC Australia, Naked Scientists, El Economista, Kathimerini Newspaper, NASW, El Pais, National Swedish Broadcasting Corporation, and International Business Times. Professor Bill Chaplin was interviewed on BBC News, BBC World Service, BBC Midlands Today, BBC World News. Dr Tiago Campante was also interviewed by BBC Radio 5, The IndependentThe TelegraphMetro, the Daily Express, the GuardianMail Online, i (The Paper for Today), The, The Times, BBC News Online, the Birmingham Post, and the Economist.
  • Research by Dr Raul Pérez-Mohedano (School of Chemical Engineering) into the most efficient way of loading a dishwasher using the technique known as Positron Emission Particle Tracking, was featured by the Daily Mailthe Daily Telegraph, and the Metro among many other news outlets (16.01.15)
  • Eduardo Nicolas Schulz, Research Fellow, wrote an article for The Conversation titled: Cutting funding for basic scientific research would be a big mistake (13.01.15)
  • Professor David Charlton was interviewed by the Taipei Times about experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (08.01.15)
  • Dr Tim Jackson was interviewed by the Birmingham Post about the First LEGO League competition, which took place at the University (07.01.15)
  • Professor David Charlton was interviewed on BBC Radio 4 and in The Guardian concerning the Atlas experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (04.01.15)