Dr Haider Butt, Lecturer in Micro Engineering and Nanotechnology was featured in Chemical & Engineering Newsfor his research paper titled Graphene-Based Ultrathin Flat Lenses. (22.01.15)
Astrophysics PhD student, Maggie Lieu was interviewed on BBC Radio 4 Woman’s Hour on Tuesday 27 January to discuss being shortlisted to go to Mars.
Research by Dr Raul Pérez-Mohedano (School of Chemical Engineering) into the most efficient way of loading a dishwasher using the technique known as Positron Emission Particle Tracking, was featured by the Daily Mail, the Daily Telegraph, and the Metro among many other news outlets (16.01.15)
Eduardo Nicolas Schulz, Research Fellow, wrote an article for The Conversation titled: Cutting funding for basic scientific research would be a big mistake(13.01.15)