- Dr Graham Smith was interviewed on Heart FM and BBC Radio WM about the solar eclipse and an event hosted by University of Birmingham astronomers at the Cathedral during the eclipse. The astronomy event was also picked up by the Birmingham Mail and the Birmingham Post.
- Professor Dave Charlton was interviewed by BBC News Online and The Birmingham Post about the imminent switch on of the Large Hadron Collider and what types of particles they are looking for.
- The announcement of the Energy Research Accelerator (ERA) hub as part of the new £60 million energy research programme for Budget 2015 was mentioned in BBC News, and the Birmingham Post. ProfessorToby Peters (Birmingham Energy Institute) also commented on ERA in an article titled ‘Midlands universities win £60m funding boost’ featured in BBC News.
- The announcement of the new Birmingham Policy Commission, ‘Doing Cold Smarter’ was mentioned in the Cooling Post, fridgehub, businessGreen and myScience. Lord Tevison, Chair of the Policy Commission also wrote an article titled ‘Robin Teverson writes…Doing cold smarter’ which was featured in Liberal Democrat Voice.
- Professor Peters wrote an article titled ‘Sustainable, clean cold is the paradigm shift the changing world needs’ for The Birmingham Brief following the announcement of the new Birmingham Policy Commission, ‘Doing Cold Smarter’.
- Professor Toby Peters (Birmingham Energy Institute) wrote an article titled ‘Lots of hot air about heat, but why is no one talking about sustainable cooling?’ for The Conversation following the announcement of the new Birmingham Policy Commission, ‘Doing Cold Smarter’.
- Birmingham work on the optical bench of the LISA Pathfinder Satellite was featured in an article in phys.org, which details how an intimate view of a key part of the payload will be the ‘stillest’ ever flown in space.
- PhD student Maggie Lieu was interviewed on Al Jazeera about the Mars One Mission.