Fiona McNab

Fiona McNab

Dr Fiona McNab, in partnership with AgeUK, has secured funding for a seminar series entitled 'Cognitive intervention across the lifespan'. The Series, funded by ESRC, will take place over two years, and involve up to six seminars at each of the participating institutions across the UK, including The University of Birmingham, York University, Oxford University, The MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit in Cambridge and Trinity College Dublin.

The seminars will cover ways in which cognitive deficits can be reduced, delayed or prevented in children, older adults and patients. They will include experts in various approaches, including cognitive training (practicing relevant tasks to produce a generalised improvement), teaching strategies, lifestyle changes, combining information from different senses, and brain stimulation, with speakers coming from Europe and America.

The seminar series takes the innovative approach of bringing together researchers who take different approaches to cognitive intervention, and who work with different age and patient groups. As well as learning from each other, researchers will consider ways in which their different approaches might be combined to offer greater benefit, and produce cognitive interventions that are tailored to an individual’s need.