Joanna Gray, Professor of Financial Law and Regulation, has been examining the “ins” and “outs” of a new financial architecture for the Eurozone.

With David Cameron proposing a referendum on Britain’s EU membership to take place next year, there are several important questions about what changes to the financial structure of the EU might mean for Britain.

Professor Gray chaired the panel “Single Market Versus Eurozone” at the recent conference, “The new financial architecture in the Eurozone”, which was held at the European University Institute in Florence.

Discussing banking supervision, Professor Gray’s talk looked at the stability and degree of integration of Europe’s financial sector and also addressed what shifting relations between institutions and politics within the Eurozone and EU countries might mean for the UK.

“This is a really timely question for someone coming from the UK,” says Professor Gray, “it’s a question that politicians gloss over, all too often, as being too complex for electorates”.

Professor Gray’s talk suggested that in the wake of a possible British Exit – or ‘Brexit’ – the dynamics in these relationships need to be more fully understood before the proposed referendum, which could be sooner than initially thought.

Watch Professor Joanna Gray below.