
Welcoming students to the Medical School

The Medical School welcomed over 200 A-level students from local schools through its doors last week for the first Society for Endocrinology public engagement event. The students attended talks about a wide range of endocrine topics from sex development to the health benefits of vitamin D, building on their existing knowledge from A level curricula.

Organiser Dr. Chris Jones said, "we wanted to show the students that the work they do at A-level isn’t too far removed from the world-leading endocrine research we do here in Birmingham. It’s great to inspire them by showing them that they could soon be involved in cutting edge science".

The students also benefited from the opportunity to talk to current students and academics about studying healthcare courses at university and the diverse career pathways that could lead to.

Dr. Chris Jones added, "It was great to show the students that there are lots of ways to help patients as a doctor that don’t necessarily involve one-to-one doctor-patient contact. Given the overwhelmingly positive reception and feedback we've received from visitors, we’re already planning to make it an annual event." 

Find out more about our hormones, metabolism and reproduction research at the University.