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HSMC Lecturer contributes to public health summer school at the National Autonomous University of Mexico

Ross Millar has recently returned from Mexico City where he contributed to a Summer School organised by The National Autonomous University of Mexico (or 'UNAM').

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building

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Quality improvement and innovation course

Ross Millar has recently returned from Mexico City where he contributed to a Summer School organised by The National Autonomous University of Mexico (or 'UNAM'). This innovative two week course hosted by the School of Medicine looked to bring together academics from Europe, North, Central, and South America to deliver a range of theory and methods concerning contemporary issues in Public Health.

Ross showcased a selection of materials from HSMC’s teaching programme with the delivery of modules related to 'health policy and politics' and 'quality improvement and innovation'.

Process mapping exercise

The feedback received was overwhelmingly positive with Ross invited back to deliver the courses next year. Additional collaborations between UNAM and HSMC were also discussed with a joint research and teaching strategy being developed and implemented over the next 12 months.