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MathSoc Update - November 2015

It's been a really busy start to the year for MathSoc. 2015/16 President, Sarah Graves, tells us more.

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What a start to the year!

We began by welcoming the first years in the traditional manner: after sorting them into ‘families’ they went around campus on a scavenger hunt, learning the location of their new lecture rooms in the process. Then came the family quiz and pizza afternoon which was a great success! We also had a night out to the student event Stuesdays in the city centre in the middle of October, allowing all years to mix together at the Lounge in Selly Oak beforehand. For those who prefer a quieter night, we also hosted a film night and watched ‘A Beautiful Mind’.

We have plenty coming up in the near future. November’s MathSoc Annual Bar Crawl on Broad Street was a sell out and was bigger than ever before! We also have a board games night, charity archery and a Christmas night out (of course!) along with our Careers Networking Evening coming up.

Next semester sees our annual MathSoc on Tour event and this year we are heading to Dublin! We are also teaming up with (our arch rivals) Economics to do pub golf through Selly Oak, taking a trip to Bletchley Park paired with an ‘Imitation Game’ movie night, and of course our Annual Spring Ball. We will be supporting our charity of the year ‘Teenage Cancer Trust’ by running the Coventry Half Marathon and hosting an EPS University Challenge as part of the Guild ‘Adopt a charity week’, so we can truly see who the cleverest society in the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences (EPS) is. 

Sarah Graves
President 2015/16