Dr Paula Perez-Sobrino and Prof Jeannette Littlemore showcased their Marie Curie project, ‘Exploring Multimodal Metaphor in Advertising’, at the 'Science is Wonder-ful! –European Researchers' Night' event in the Parlamentarium in Brussels on Wednesday 28 September 2016. This event encourages European researchers to take to the streets to inspire and challenge people of all ages through science and technology. Great success! There were 3128 visitors with over 1200 school children attending the event from all over Belgium. Have a look at the set of activities we prepared:

Photo from the European Researchers Night in Brussels
Photo from the European Researchers Night in Brussels
Photo from the European Researchers Night in Brussels
Photo from the European Researchers Night in Brussels
Photo from the European Researchers Night in Brussels
Photo from the European Researchers Night in Brussels
Photo from the European Researchers Night in Brussels