The personalisation agenda
HSMC Reader, Catherine Needham is currently in Melborne Australia on a short sabbatical and is taking the opportunity to discuss her research interest in the personalisation agenda through a series of events.
HSMC Reader, Catherine Needham is currently in Melborne Australia on a short sabbatical and is taking the opportunity to discuss her research interest in the personalisation agenda through a series of events.
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HSMC Reader, Catherine Needham is currently in Melborne Australia on a short sabbatical and is taking the opportunity to discuss her research interest in the personalisation agenda through a series of events. These include a round table discussion at the University of Melborne on Individualised funding for disability services and what the newly-launched National Disability Insurance Scheme in Australia can learn from personalisation policies in the UK; a public lecture entitled 'Micro-enterprises: care and support on a human scale' for charitable organisation - The Brotherhood of St Lawrence - the objective of which is to translate learning into new policies, programs and practices for implementation by government and others; and a presentation to policy makers on emerging findings from a comparative research project on individualised funding for disability in Australia and the UK for the Department of Health and Human Services, Victoria.