Award for Forensic Clinical Doctoral Trainee
Ian Burke, Forensic Clinical Doctoral Trainee in the School of Psychology, has won the Division of Clinical Psychology's Faculty of Forensic Clinical Psychology Pre Qualification award.
Ian Burke, Forensic Clinical Doctoral Trainee in the School of Psychology, has won the Division of Clinical Psychology's Faculty of Forensic Clinical Psychology Pre Qualification award.
Ian Burke, Forensic Clinical Doctoral Trainee in the School of Psychology, has won the Division of Clinical Psychology’s Faculty of Forensic Clinical Psychology Pre Qualification award.
The award promotes and encourages the contribution of pre-doctoral clinical work and research to developments in forensic clinical practice. Ian was granted the award based on a service evaluation he had conducted, which looked at relational security (the knowledge and understanding hospital ward staff have of a patient and of the environment) in a medium secure psychiatric hospital.
The award will be presented at the Faculty’s 2016 Spring Meeting. It consists of a certificate, the conference registration expenses, and a £200 Amazon Voucher. Ian is also invited to present his work at the Faculty’s 2016 Autumn Meeting.