Tuesday 10th May 2016, Leeds Beckett University, Rose Bowl, Leeds, 12pm-4pm. 

On 10 May CRRE Director, Professor David Gillborn, will take part in a panel discussion focusing on racism in Higher Education. He will be joined by a range of colleagues including leading academics and early career scholars. The day will focus on the barriers to race equality in Higher Education and what can be done about them. Other speakers include Dr Jason Arday (Leeds Beckett University), Prof Kalwant Bhopal (University of Southampton), Prof Kevin Hylton (Leeds Beckett University), Prof Gus John (Institute of Education, UCL), Prof Uvanney Maylor (University of Bedfordshire) & Prof Ann Phoenix (Institute of Education, UCL).

Registration is free but places must be booked in advance at: http://www.leedsbeckett.ac.uk/events/faculty-events/race-and-higher-education/