Photograph of Dr Maristella Gatto

Dr Maristella Gatto

Dr Maristella Gatto will be visiting CCR from 31 October to 4 November 2016.

Maristella is Assistant Professor of English at the University of Bari, Italy, where she teaches English Linguistics and Translation Studies. Her main research interests are corpus linguistics, computer-mediated communication, translation studies, and tourism discourse. She is the author of the monograph The Web as Corpus. Theory and Practice (Bloomsbury 2014) and several other essays and book chapters on corpus linguistics and the web. She edited the volume Translation. The State of the Art/La Traduzione. Lo Stato dell'Arte (Longo 2007) and is the author of a handbook for students of English for tourism (Dublin. From paralysis to international tourism (Aracne 2007). During her week at CCR Maristella is offering two seminars – open to staff and students: an Introduction to Web as Corpus and Web-as-Corpus approaches and tools for translators.