
Anne-Marie delivering her lecture

Dr Anne-Marie Krachler, a Birmingham Fellow in the School of Biosciences, received the Biological Systems Early Career Award following a special lecture given at the University of Birmingham on 28 April 2016. 

The award, which is sponsored by the Biochemical Society and consists of a medal and a cheque for £1000, was presented after the lecture in which Anne-Marie described her work on the adhesion of bacterial pathogens to host cells, and the development of novel treatments to interfere with this, and hence, to combat infection.

Anne-Marie is described by the Awards Committee as "an outstanding young researcher who has a passion for discovery, a determination to provide robust, ground-breaking data and an unquenchable enthusiasm to train the next generation of scientists".

In the video below Dr Krachler describes, in 60 seconds, her research intodeveloping drugs which aim to prevent attachment of bacteria to body tissue and thereby reduce the chances of infection.