European Day of Languages
Third-year PhD student Antonia Wimbush celebrated European Day of Languages at Wakefield Girls' High School Junior School.
Third-year PhD student Antonia Wimbush celebrated European Day of Languages at Wakefield Girls' High School Junior School.
Third-year PhD student Antonia Wimbush celebrated European Day of Languages at Wakefield Girls’ High School Junior School.
She gave an engaging and interactive assembly to pupils aged 5-11 about the importance of learning languages. The girls particularly enjoyed taking part in the language quiz and learnt a great deal about European languages and cultures, including how to say ‘cock-a-doodle-doo’ in French! Antonia worked with Year 6 throughout the day, leading a French workshop on European countries and helping to run language activities using iPads. They also played Pétanque and handball in their P.E lessons. The girls had a fun day, learnt lots of French and discussed why languages are vital in today’s globalised world.