In a recent Birmingham Brief article, Doctoral Researcher Marliyyah Mahmood discusses evidence that the interaction between pollen grains, environmental pollution and weather change is increasing, with the allergenicity of the pollen grain affecting many more hay fever sufferers.

'The impact of air pollution, weather and climate change on the environment and human health is a vital concern globally. The health hazard it causes includes severe allergic reactions and several medical conditions, especially in conjunction with pollen grains.

Pollen grains are minute bodies in the form of fine dust from catkins of certain plant species. They contain pores through which their proteins can be distributed to human upper airways; this means we are inhaling pollen grains almost everywhere. Pollen from birch trees and ragweed are responsible for hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis (the inflammation of the lining of the nose, characterised by nasal congestion, sneezing and itching) and other allergenic problems.'...