On the 28 June 2016, Professor Nicholas Wheeler will present an overview of the ICCS' current research project on 'Nuclear Ethics and Global Security: Reforming the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime’ at Friends House, London. Participants to include Dr Cian O’Driscoll (Glasgow), Prof Jason Ralph (Leeds), Dr Tom Walker (Queens University Belfast).

From the refugee crisis to the newly shifting plates of the world order, the limits of states have never been more critical. This workshop brings together a series of thinkers whose research examines the frontiers of war and security. How can we treat people ethically at borders? What special obligations towards refugees arise out of military intervention? How far can an existing state-based international order be hospitable to the protection of individual and global security in a nuclear world? What counts as a military victory and what rights do victors acquire? Each raises important further questions about the way that we understand the relations between states, and this workshop will provide an opportunity both to examine those issues independently and to identify their interdependencies.

The event will be held from 11am – 5pm at the Friends’ House, Euston Road, London.

For attendance enquiries please contact  F.Melhuish.1@warwick.ac.uk