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The volume of papers from the 9th Birmingham Colloquium on the Textual Criticism of the New Testament has arrived in ITSEE

The volume of papers from the 9th Birmingham Colloquium on the Textual Criticism of the New Testament, featuring contributions by members of the European Research Council COMPAUL project at ITSEE, has arrived!

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building

Commentaries, Catenae and Biblical Tradition, edited by Dr Hugh Houghton, contains contributions by several members of ITSEE and the COMPAUL project in particular.

Team holding the book

This week saw the arrival in ITSEE of the print copy of the new volume of original research papers originating from the The Ninth Birmingham Colloquium on the Textual Criticism of the New Testament. We are very glad to add this to our increasing collection of home grown books! The colloquium brought together scholars from more than twelve countries in March 2015 and was held in association with the European Research Council-funded COMPAUL project which, based in ITSEE, has been examining commentaries on the Pauline Epistles as sources for the early history of the biblical text since 2011. The volume of papers resulting from the colloquium therefore has a particular emphasis on exploring the composition, transmission and significance of commentary writings and includes several papers by members of the COMPAUL project. Research Fellows, Dr Rosalind MacLachlan and Dr Susan B. Griffith, talk about non-biblical commentaries in the Early Christian period and Ambrose's commentary on Luke, respectively, while, Dr Dr Christina Kreinecker, who was a Research Fellow on the project from 2011-2013, discusses Rufinus' translation of Origen's Commentary on Romans. In addition COMPAUL's PhD student, Theodaora Panella, presents some of her fruitful research in to Pauline catenae. The volume begins with a general introduction to Greek New Testament catenae and commentaries by Professor David Parker and Dr Hugh Houghton, Principle Investigator of the COMPAUL Project. Other papers in the collection deal with the layout and sources of commentary manuscripts and the work of principal Greek and Latin commentators, plus papers on commentary and catena manuscripts in other biblical languages and traditions. 

The book is published by Gorgias Press in the Texts and Studies series which also includes volumes of papers from previous Birmingham Colloquia on the Textual Criticism of the New Testament. The hardback edition is available for $95, while the full text of the volume is available free of charge in the Gorgias Press online repository, funded by the European Research Council through the COMPAUL Project.

The contents of the volume are as follows:

    1. An Introduction to Greek New Testament Commentaries with a Preliminary Checklist of New Testament Catena Manuscripts (H.A.G. Houghton & D.C. Parker)

    2. The Context of Commentary: Non-Biblical Commentary in the Early Christian Period (R.F. MacLachlan)
    3. Biblical Catenae: Between Philology and History (Gilles Dorival)
    4. Catenae and the Art of Memory (William Lamb)
    5. Parsing Paul: Layout and Sampling Divisions in Pauline Commentaries (Bruce Morrill & John Gram)
    6. Resurrection Appearances in the Pauline Catenae (Theodora Panella)
    7. The Reception of Scripture and Exegetical Resources in the Scholia in Apocalypsin (GA 2351) (Garrick V. Allen)
    8. Theodoret's Text of Romans (Agnes Lorrain)
    9. Bethania, Bethara, or Bethabara: Fortunatianus of Aquileia and Origen's Commentary on John, with particular reference to John 1:28 (Lukas J. Dorfbauer)
    10. Ambrose the Appropriator: Borrowed Texts in a New Context in the Commentary on Luke (Susan B. Griffith)
    11. Rufinus' Translation of Origen's Commentary on Romans: Christina M. Kreinecker)
    12. The Transmission of Florus of Lyon's Expositio epistolarum beati Pauli apostoli. State of the Art and New Results (Shari Boodts & Gert Partoens)
    13. Biblical Quotations in the Gothic Commentary on the Gospel of John (Skeireins) (Carla Falluomini)
    14. An Overview of Research on Bohairic Catena Manuscripts on the Gospels with a Grouping of Arabic and Ethiopic (Ge'ez) Sources and a Checklist of Manuscripts (Matthias Schulz)

Commentaries, Catenae and Biblical Tradition book cover
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