If her speech at the UN is any indication, Theresa May prioritizes nationalist concerns over humanitarian ones, says IRiS's Nando Sigona in an article in 'Newsweek'.

"In a compassionate and compelling speech, Barack Obama called the response to the global refugee crisis “a test of our humanity” and invited world leaders attending the Leaders' Summit on Refugees on September 20 to do more to assist those fleeing war and persecution.

The British prime minister, Theresa May, went to the same summit in New York, but with a different agenda—to stop uncontrolled migration. She had three key proposals: to help refugees claim asylum in the first safe country they reach, to make a better distinction between refugees and economic migrants, and to bolster the right of all countries to control their borders. It is worth considering each of these proposals in turn to assess what impact they may have on the current crisis...."

This article was originally published in 'The Conversation'. Read the original article here.