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A novel discovery in cell migration revealed by phosphoproteomics

Debbie Cunningham and colleagues Neil Hotchin, John Heath and Mike Tomlinson have published a trilogy of papers in the last twelve months on the role of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and the LAR protein tyrosine phosphatase in cell adhesion and migration.

Debbie Cunningham

Debbie Cunningham

Debbie Cunningham and MCSH colleagues reveal a role for CRMP2 in PDGF-induced cell migration

Debbie Cunningham and colleagues Neil Hotchin, John Heath and Mike Tomlinson have published a trilogy of papers in the last twelve months on the role of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and the LAR protein tyrosine phosphatase in cell adhesion and migration.  In their latest publication this month in Scientific Reports, Debbie and friends have used quantitative phosphoproteomics to reveal a role for the microtubule bundling protein collapsin response mediator protein 2 (CRMP2) in cell migration.  This work has implications for cancer metastasis.

The trilogy of studies has been spearheaded by first author and former graduate student Adil Sarhan, who was recruited to Biosciences by the late Carina Hellberg.  Adil is currently a postdoctoral researcher in Dario Alessi’s group in Dundee.

Find out more

Read the full trilogy here: