University of Birmingham Vice-Chancellor Professor Sir David Eastwood greets His Excellency Eduardo dos Santos, Ambassador of Brazil to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The Brazilian Ambassador visited the University of Birmingham today to launch its first ‘Brazil Week’ and learn more about the University’s work with his country.

His Excellency Eduardo dos Santos, Ambassador of Brazil to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, met academics and senior leaders heading the University’s Brazil engagement, as well as some of its Brazilian students.

The Ambassador’s visit provided an opportunity for Birmingham’s research experts to showcase some of the key academic projects the University has with institutions in Brazil.

Launching Brazil Week, H.E. Mr dos Santos delivered a guest lecture on Brazil's relationship with the UK and the importance of bilateral academic ties.

H.E. Mr dos Santos said: “Brazil and the UK are always keen to cooperate, with the academic area a good example of such engagement. Our work with the University of Birmingham encompasses areas such as energy, environment and health and it is a pleasure to see that Brazil and the UK are working closer together in such key areas."

Vice-Chancellor Professor Sir David Eastwood said: “I am proud to welcome our distinguished guest to the University of Birmingham as the high point of our first Brazil Week, which celebrates our engagement and collaboration with top universities in Brazil.

“As a global ‘civic’ university, we have a responsibility to enrich the lives of people in our home city and the wider world. Whether energy storage, sustainable cities or immunology and infection, we are working with our Brazilian partners to use our combined research strengths to seek answers to some of the most challenging questions of the 21st Century.”

The University of Birmingham has more than 70 researchers engaged in partnerships with top Brazilian universities. It has particularly strong links with institutions in the Sao Paulo region, including Sao Paulo State University (UNESP), University of Campinas (UNICAMP), University of Sao Paulo (USP) and the Federal University of ABC (UFABC).

Birmingham is partnering with universities in Brazil across six priority research areas:

- Sustainable Cities
- Cancer Studies
- Energy - Oil and Gas / Earth Sciences
- Energy Storage and Policy
- Bio-materials
- Infectious Diseases / Microbiology and Infection

Mr dos Santos holds a degree in Legal and Social Studies from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and has been a diplomat since 1975. He has held various high-level positions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other government agencies.

He served at the embassies in Moscow, Buenos Aires and London, and subsequently as ambassador in Montevideo, Bern and Asunción. Mr dos Santos has also served as advisor to the office of the Foreign Minister (1986-1989 and 1992-1993), special advisor to the office of the Finance Minister (1993) and diplomatic advisor to the President (1999-2002).

He held the office of Secretary-General at the Ministry of External Relations from 2013, before being appointed as Ambassador to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in 2015. During his diplomatic career Mr dos Santos has received numerous honours and awards in different countries, including the Royal Victorian Order (Honorary Commander) in the UK in 1997.

• The University of Birmingham is ranked amongst the world’s top 100 institutions, its work brings people from across the world to Birmingham, including researchers and teachers and more than 5,000 international students from over 150 countries.

• For more information about the University’s research partnerships in Brazil, please visit

- Rethinking Brazil's national identity: Wednesday 22 March 2017 (13:00-15:00)
A panel of academic experts with diverse and wide-ranging research interests in Brazil will critically engage with the theme of intellectual discourse and how this has shaped Brazil's national identity and place in the world.

- An evening with Alan Charlton: Wednesday 22 March 2017 (17:30-19:00)
Alan Charlton, former British Ambassador in Brazil will recount stories from his recent autobiography "Shaking my briefcase". Covering his distinguished career in diplomacy dealing with issues ranging from gorillas to royal visits, as well as his thoughts on the future of Brazil and its role in the world.

- Brazilian Film Screening: Thursday 23 March 2017 (13:00-15:00)
Enjoy a Brazilian film screening of 'O Ano em Que Meus Pais Sairam de Ferias' (The year my parents went on holiday). Hosted by Anneliese Hatton, Modern Foreign Languages.

Anti-Corruption Fight in Brazil: Thursday 23 March 2017 (13:00-15:00)
With the issue of corruption continuing to dominate the headlines in Brazil, Armando Castro, PhD student at Imperial College London and Fernanda Figueiredo, PhD student at Kings College London, both representing the Association of Brazilian Graduate Students and Researchers, will talk about the anti-corruption fight in Brazil.

- Brazil Book Club: Thursday 23 March 2017 (16:00-18:00)
Join our Brazil Book Club with Dr Courtney Campbell to discuss the book Os Sertões (translated as Rebellion in the Backlands) by the Brazilian author Euclides da Cunha.

- Closing Reception: Thursday 23 March 2017 (18:00-20:00)
International Relations extends a warm welcome to all staff, students and visitors to celebrate the close of the University of Birmingham's Brazil Week 2017 with a series of Brazilian music performances including Capoeira and percussion.