Ben Haupt invited to give keynote presentation
ITSEE doctoral student Ben Haupt has recently given a keynote address at a conference on Mission as well as a presentation at the North American Patristics Society annual meeting.
ITSEE doctoral student Ben Haupt has recently given a keynote address at a conference on Mission as well as a presentation at the North American Patristics Society annual meeting.
ITSEE doctoral student Ben Haupt has recently given a keynote address at a conference on Mission and a presentation at the North American Patristics Society annual meeting.
Ben is following Birmingham's Distance Learning Doctoral Programme, working on a PhD on the biblical text of Tertullian under the supervision of Dr Hugh Houghton at the same time as serving as Librarian of Concordia Seminary. At the beginning of May, Ben was a plenary speaker at the J2E3 Missions summit in Fort Collins, Colorado. Ben spoke on Mission, Culture and How the Two Fit Together in a conference which was live streamed over the internet to a wide audience. Then, at the end of the month, Ben took part in a specially convened panel on Paul and the Apologists in the North American Patristics Society annual meeting in Chicago. Ben's paper was on "Tertullian the Apologist and Paul".
Ben speaking at the British Patristics Conference in Birmingham last year.