PKU web

Dr Nicholas Wright, of the University of Birmingham, and Dr Jian Li, of Peking University.

Experts from the University of Birmingham and Peking University hosted an international conference in Beijing that saw top researchers gather to discuss the science behind human decision making.

Psychology and neuroscience researchers gathered at Peking University (PKU) to explore decision-making, confidence and the unconscious in an event that brought together cutting-edge neuroimaging, computational, behavioural and patient research.

The conference reflected the ongoing partnership between Dr Nicholas Wright, of the University of Birmingham’s Institute of Conflict, Cooperation and Security, and Dr Jian Li, a leading neuroscientist at Peking University.

Dr Wright commented: “The conference not only allowed top international and Chinese scholars to exchange knowledge, but also build bridges for future collaboration. Graduate students from Beijing's top institutions also got the opportunity to meet international experts and find out more about our work in this field at the University of Birmingham.”

Supported by the University of Birmingham’s China Institute, the conference – entitled ‘Decision-making, confidence and the unconscious’ (决策,信心和意识) – was co-organised by Dr Wright, Dr Li and Dr Steve Fleming, from University College London.

The line-up of speakers included Dr Simon van Gaal and Dr Martijn Wokke, from the University of Amsterdam; Dr Hang Zhang and Dr Lusha Zhu, from Peking University; Professor Patrick Haggard and Dr Lucie Charles, from University College London; and Dr Xiaohong Wan and Dr Gui Xue, from Beijing Normal University.

They were joined by Dr Xiaosi Gu, from the University of Texas at Dallas; Dr Aaron Schurger from the Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Medicale, Paris; and Dr Zheng Ye from the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing.

Dr Wright and Dr Li’s ongoing collaboration currently has two projects on decision neuroscience nearing completion. They are also applying for further funding to continue their innovative work into the neural computations underlying human choice.

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