Ava & Gabriel - A Love Story (1990)

Ava & Gabriel: A Love Story (1990)

2-8 March sees a series of unique Caribbean events across campus, featuring Visiting Fellow Dr Jean Antoine-Dunne of the University of the West Indies, and organised by Dr Louise Hardwick with the generous support of the Institute for Latin American Studies at the University of London, and the College of Arts and Law at the University of Birmingham.

Two rare films will be screened (for students and University staff only) on campus, with a Q&A and informal discussion with Jean after each film. The first film, Ava and Gabriel, directed by Felix de Rooy (1990), is a probing exploration of race and sexuality, while the second, I is a Long Memoried Woman by Frances-Anne Soloman (1990), explores women's experiences of suffering, resistance, and freedom, and is deliberately timed to mark 8 March, International Women's Day. More information about these screening can be found on Facebook.

Visiting Fellow Dr Jean Antoine will also give a guest lecture 'Tracking Signposts to a Caribbean Film Aesthetic' on Tuesday 7 March.

The wider Birmingham public will also benefit from Jean's visit, with a public film screening of Jamaican classic The Harder They Come at Mockingbird Cinema in Digbeth.