Photograph of Dr Anissa Daoudi

Dr Anissa Daoudi, Lecturer in Arabic and Translation Studies and Language Co-ordinator for Arabic, Department of Modern Languages gave a one hour interview with BBC Extra (Radio) in Arabic. 

Dr Daoudi talks about the writing workshop she organised in Algeria on the 1st November, 2017, which gathered well known writers who have worked on the 'Black Decade' of the 1990s in Algeria such as Fadhila Al Farouq, Hmeida layachi, Said Khatibi and psychologists, e.g., Cherifa Bouatta and journalists like Malika Boussouf alongside with survivors.  The workshop got the attention of national and international media because it is the first to bring back the atrocities of that period - due to the Amnesty Law, which prevents people from dealing with the past, research on that period is scarce if not inexistent. Dr Daoudi also discusses other issues such as  the Islamization of the country as a result of the 'black Decade' and how it is affecting gender discourses.