Economic History and/as History of Economics: On Affinities, Old and New
Audio recording of a Ivan Boldyrev (Humboldt University, Berlin) In conversation with Roger Backhouse (Economics, University of Birmingham).
Audio recording of a Ivan Boldyrev (Humboldt University, Berlin) In conversation with Roger Backhouse (Economics, University of Birmingham).
After the years of oblivion (Hodgson 2001), economists now seem to re-engage with history.
Although economic history has always been more intimately linked with the history of economic ideas than most other domains of economics, this new tendency is nonetheless accompanied by continuing marginalization of the intellectual history of economics, still absent in most economics curricula. Engaging with the idea of performativity and examining some recent approaches in the literature on international political economy, Ivan Boldyrev demonstrate how one can make sense of reconnecting historical analyses of economies with the history and sociology of economic knowledge.
Ivan Boldyrev (Humboldt University, Berlin) in conversation with Roger Backhouse (Economics, University of Birmingham).