"Girls feel that they have to be normal, and their idea of normal is highly distorted"
Professor Heather Widdows commented on the rise in labiaplasty on BBC2's 'Victoria Derbyshire'.
Professor Heather Widdows commented on the rise in labiaplasty on BBC2's 'Victoria Derbyshire'.
Professor Heather Widdows commented on the rise in labiaplasty on BBC2's 'Victoria Derbyshire' on 3 July 2017 (discussion starts at 1:24:00).
Professor Widdows said "Girls feel that they have to be normal, and their idea of normal is highly distorted". They feel they have to be perfect, and "by perfect they mean a plastic body - thin, firm - and that goes for breasts and labia too, and increasingly they live on-line in a visual and virtual culture, the 'to be looked at self' is the one they identify with not the thinking or doing self".