Three members of the University of Birmingham who participated in the COMPAUL project at ITSEE between 2011-2016 have been featured in the latest issue of Johnian News, the magazine of St John's College, Cambridge.
Dr Hugh Houghton, the project's Principal Investigator, postdoctoral fellow Dr Rosalind MacLachlan and (then) doctoral student Dr Holly Ranger had all studied Classics at Cambridge across a span of several years before finding themselves employed on the same project in Birmingham. Dr Houghton said:
"It was a great surprise to discover that three of us working on the project were all members of St John's, not least as we did not overlap during our times at Cambridge. The article in Johnian News allows each of us a chance to talk about how we came to study Classics and the impact it has had on our careers since then. From my point of view, studying classical languages at undergraduate and masters level was an excellent training for working on the textual history of the New Testament and early Christian writings more generally. I very much enjoyed my time at St John's, and in my contribution to the article I talk about how the various College activities I was involved in prefigured some of the skills I needed to run this major research project."
In the article, Dr Rosalind MacLachlan describes how working at ITSEE gave her an opportunity to use both her ancient languages and IT skills, while Dr Holly Ranger explains how the COMPAUL project enabled her to expand her Latin vocabulary and re-acquaint herself with ancient Greek while working on her doctoral thesis in Birmingham's School of Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology.
The Lent 2017 issue of Johnian News is freely available online, with the Focus on Classics article found on pages 22-25.
Holly, Hugh and Rosalind in ITSEE last year.