New book, Assessment Inequalities, by Julie Allan and Alfredo Artiles
The 2017 volume of the Routledge World Yearbook in Education, Assessment inequalities, edited by Julie Allan and Alfredo Artiles has just been published.
The 2017 volume of the Routledge World Yearbook in Education, Assessment inequalities, edited by Julie Allan and Alfredo Artiles has just been published.
The 2017 volume of the Routledge World Yearbook in Education, Assessment inequalities, has just been published. The book, edited by Julie Allan and Alfredo Artiles also contains chapters by David Gillborn and Graeme Douglas and examines the relationship between educational assessment systems and efforts to advance equity. It focuses on the political motives behind the expansion of an assessment industry, the associated expansion of an SEN industry and the consequences for particular groups of children.