
The first-of-its-kind MOOC focusing on youth football coaches, from the School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences, begins on 30 January 2017.

In association with FutureLearn and delivered through a collaborative partnership between the University of Birmingham and The Football Association (FA) it will help youth football coaches become confident developers of creative players and teams.

This course will help you understand your role as coach, the players you work with and the environment they operate in. It will develop your knowledge and skills giving you the ability to self-select or create the most appropriate pedagogies for young players’ needs.

The course is led by Dr Victoria Goodyear and Dr Mark Griffiths of the School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences, both of whom have extensive experience of supporting physical education teachers through online CPD.

A MOOC is a Massive Open Online Course - these are free, open, online courses designed to offer a taste of higher education to learners from across the UK and the world. The University of Birmingham is delivering new MOOCs in partnership with Futurelearn, the UK’s first MOOCs provider established by the Open University.

Delivered by world-class academics from the University of Birmingham, the courses enable learners worldwide to sample high-quality academic content via a interactive web-based platform from a leading global University, increasing access to higher education for a whole new cohort of learners.