Postgraduate Coffee Morning – JHAC
The BRIHC Scholars are holding a coffee morning on Wednesday 8th March, in collaboration with the Journal of History and Cultures (JHAC).
The BRIHC Scholars are holding a coffee morning on Wednesday 8th March, in collaboration with the Journal of History and Cultures (JHAC).
The BRIHC Scholars are holding a coffee morning on Wednesday 8 March, in collaboration with the Journal of History and Cultures (JHAC).
Ruth and Shahmima - General Editors of JHAC - will give a short talk about the journal, including advice on how to submit your own work for publication and gain experience of academic publishing.
The coffee morning will also provide a space to discuss your own research and experiences with others within the school of History and Cultures in an informal, friendly atmosphere. free tea, coffee and biscuits will also be provided. The event will be held in the Arts Senior Common Room from 11am-Midday on Wednesday 8th March and the event is open to all students.
For more information, please contact the scholars on