Professor Francis Davis attends Holocaust Memorial Day Trust event
Professor Francis Davis attended a Holocaust Memorial Day Trust event in Westminster's QE2 Centre on Friday 27, 2017.
Professor Francis Davis attended a Holocaust Memorial Day Trust event in Westminster's QE2 Centre on Friday 27, 2017.
Professor Francis Davis attended a Holocaust Memorial Day Trust event in Westminster’s QE2 Centre on February 27, 2017.
Professor Francis Davis talks to Lord Nick Bourne, Minister for Faith and Integration (Photo by Holocaust Memorial Day Trust)
The theme of the commemoration was How can life go on? It was one of 6000 events held across the UK and staged by the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust. At the Westminster commemoration, survivors of holocaust, from Cambodia, Darfur, and Bosnia gathered to commemorate - and never forget, and to remind us, especially as other persecutions emerge on the global scene, that what was past is also present. Other guests included the Chief Rabbi and the Bishop of Durham, the Secretary of State for Communities, Sajid Javid, and the Archbishop of Canterbury. Leading parliamentarians from all the opposition parties and ministers and community representatives from across the UK were also in attendance.