Professor Scott Greer visits
Associate Professor of Health Management and Policy at the Michigan School of Public Health and Senior Expert Advisor on Health Governance for the European Observatory on Health Systems.
Associate Professor of Health Management and Policy at the Michigan School of Public Health and Senior Expert Advisor on Health Governance for the European Observatory on Health Systems.
We are welcoming Professor Scott Greer who is Associate Professor of Health Management and Policy at the University of Michigan School of Public Health and Senior Expert Advisor on Health Governance for the European Observatory on Health Systems to the Centre for Health Law Science and Policy here at Birmingham Law School as a University of Birmingham Institute of Advanced Studies Distinguished Visiting Fellow during the week of 1 May 2017. He is notable in that he is one of the few US Scholars who has undertaken extensive research on EU health policy.
On Wednesday 3 May Professor Greer will be giving a staff seminar with the title of "Burying an agenda in Brussels: Law, information, and the fate of fiscal governance", between 12-1pm.
He will also deliver an open public lecture on Thursday 4 May at 5pm in Lecture Theatre 2 of Birmingham Law School entitled "Running the NHS After Brexit" which promises to be an engaging lecture raising some very challenging and important issues in relation to health care law and policy post Brexit.