To be or not to be absurd: the existential question of Amedee
Contributed by Emil Toescu, LANS team.
Contributed by Emil Toescu, LANS team.
Amédée, you are the artist: highfalutin with words, working with them, spontaneously. But unable to string them on paper when it matters, but you try.
She’s telling you – she will divorce! Amédée, in all this time, you did no do a thing about it! You just let it grow.
Oh, this antipathy, this pathetic antipathy, la-di-da, like corn is born when thrown, you see!
Amédée, you need to do something about it, you need to overcome these growths, they flourish everywhere, and they might be poisonous, they might be toxic, they might be delirious – they grow and it grows, its nails and hair, all certainly in geometric fashion. Bring on science, bring on numbers, so that we have an understanding: 6 cm in the last hour or so -we do have some control now!
It started in the bedroom: the lover, or the corpse, the baby?, a positive or a negative – depends on the point of view, but both and all expressions of a missing…
Amédée, she is going to divorce you, if you don’t do anything about it! – and if you do? Well, Amédée, then you are going to go, with it, with the relation, with the corpse. She had enough of cleaning and brushing, Amédée, and you’ll be floating, up and free, dead or alive – it’s all just a matter of a point of view.
Whatever you feel it is a right description for this case, Eugene! – we’ll drink to that, us all, la-di-da, with the patophysician on duty near the hatstand.
And the clock eventually stops, the moon shines – it don’t mean a thing even if it got that swing…
(it’s all about this Amedee)