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The EPSRC Research and Training Centre in Physical Sciences for Health is pleased to be hosting the TransMed conference at the University of Birmingham from 20-21 June 2017.

TransMed is a student led conference for students in centres for doctoral training (CDTs), designed to unite students from all over the UK. The conference will showcase the research conducted by these students at the interface between biomedicine and physical science. The aim of the conference is to facilitate interdisciplinary, inter-university discussion within a friendly and informal environment. We are looking forward to hosting the next generation of researchers, who are at the forefront of the frontier between physical and biomedical science, at this exciting event.

Research themes that will be highlighted at the conference include nanomaterials and their effect on biological matter; analytical chemistry within a medicinal setting; enhancing imaging techniques to further detection methodologies; and the development of computational and mathematical methods for medical devices.

An exciting aspect of this conference is the fact that all of the science presented will be coming directly from PhD students in EPSRC CDTs. This conference is unique in providing a platform exclusively for early career researchers to present their work to peers, a valuable opportunity to forge relationships between students and CDT cohorts.

The conference programme includes three sessions for student talks and three poster sessions, providing ample space and time to showcase the research being undertaken across the numerous CDTs in attendance. A training session on science communication, an increasingly valued skill by young researchers, is being delivered by Dr Jessica Wade – winner of the Institute of Physics (IOP) Early Career Communicator Prize (2015), “I’m a Scientist, Get Me Out of Here!” (2015) and the IOP Jocelyn Bell Burnell Award (2016).

Professor Liam Grover will be delivering the keynote address on Wednesday 21st June, with the keynote speaker for Tuesday 20th to be announced shortly. Liam Grover is Professor in Biomaterials Science at the University of Birmingham, and head of the TRAIL lab ( – a research group focused on the application of materials science and chemical engineering to the design of novel technologies for the regeneration of tissues.

More details on the event can be found on the website

TransMed 2017 is being organised by a committee of students from the Physical Sciences for Health CDT, and the conference is generously part-funded by the College of Life and Environmental Sciences at the University of Birmingham.

We would welcome new sponsors to come on board, and have several levels of sponsorship available. Please contact for more information.