Birmingham academics are giving evidence and talking about their research at the Work and Pensions Select Committee being held at the University of Birmingham’s Edgbaston campus today.
The citizen’s income evidence committee, which includes Steve McCabe MP for Selly Oak, will be hearing from a number of stakeholders including Emiritus Professor of Social Policy, Peter Alcock of the University of Birmingham, giving evidence on Universal Basic Income.
Edward Thomas, Head of Public Affairs, University of Birmingham said:
“We are delighted to welcome the Work and Pensions Select Committee to the University of Birmingham, this visit provides the Committee with an opportunity to hear evidence from interested parties and experts, including University of Birmingham Professors, away from Westminster.”
Professor Karen Rowlingson, from the University’s Centre on Household Assets and Savings Management (CHASM), will be highlighting the work of the House of Lords Select Committee on Financial Exclusion, for which she is the specialist adviser.
Select committee discussions will also focus on:
- Self-employment (including Universal Credit and the benefits system, pensions, employment status of self-employed workers)
- Universal Credit (how is it affecting those claiming, what is the impact of in-work conditionality/sanctions etc.)
- The benefit cap (looking at the impact so far, and the likely impact of a lower cap
- Brexit (the impact on employment)
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