50 Films about Resident Led Change
This month Our Bigger Story, the long term multi-media evaluation of Big Local*, is celebrating a milestone.
This month Our Bigger Story, the long term multi-media evaluation of Big Local*, is celebrating a milestone.
This month Our Bigger Story, the long term multi-media evaluation of Big Local*, is celebrating a milestone.
There are now 50 films about resident led change in Big Local areas of The Our Bigger Story website. There are three different types of film available. There are those that record change across the 15 Our Bigger Story areas. There are films in which partners from different Big Local areas share the challenges – and successes – or resident led change. Finally, there are a series of films which capture the learning from the first two years of Our Bigger Story. These include Diary Lines – in which residents reflect on their experiences of being Big Local partners; a film about the outcomes of Big Local activity; and five short films about key Big Local themes including leadership, influence, managing expectations and how Big Local areas build legacy and sustainability.
In addition, the website includes reports on Big Local progress and over 400 news and related stories capturing change uploaded by the 15 areas working with Our Bigger Story
The 50th film comes from Grassland Hasmoor Big Local and illustrates how the Big Local partnership is sustaining community involvement.
Filming continues, and so the story continues. Watch this space.
* Big Local is an exciting opportunity for residents in 150 areas around England to use at least £1m each to make a massive and lasting positive difference to their communities. Big Local brings together all the local talent, ambitions, skills and energy from individuals, groups and organisations who want to make their area an even better place to live.
The multi-media evaluation is being carried out by the Third Sector Research Centre at the University of Birmingham.
Big Local is funded by the Big Lottery Fund and managed by Local Trust.