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Academics and business leaders discuss key economic issues

James Bullard and key note speakers attend the University of Birmingham for the annual Expectations in Dynamic Macroeconomic Models conference.

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building

The annual conference on 'Expectations in Dynamic Macroeconomic Models' was recently held at the University of Birmingham from 7th - 9th August 2018. This year, leading academics and policy makers exchanged ideas for future potential collaboration. There were lively debates during the conference on important policy topics, like price level targeting, housing prices, fiscal austerity and defaults.

We were also happy to host influential key note speakers:

  • James Bullard, President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis, spoke on U.S. Economy and Monetary Policy – see the full talk here.
  • Michael Woodford, John Bates Clark Professor of Political Economy at Columbia University, on “Monetary Policy Analysis when Planning Horizons are finite”

The topics presented in this conference are popular both in mainstream economics literature and central banking circles, as well as in policy making. Over the years, several central banks have hosted this high profile conference; these include the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) of San Francisco and St Louis, the Bank of Finland and the Dutch Central Bank.