Big Local: The Early Years: reports available
Over 2105-2016, TSRC worked with 15 (of 150) Big Local areas to explore the dimensions of resident led change
Over 2105-2016, TSRC worked with 15 (of 150) Big Local areas to explore the dimensions of resident led change
Over 2105-2016, TSRC worked with 15 (of 150) Big Local areas to explore the dimensions of resident led change
The reports were launched at a film festival, attended by some 200 residents from Big Local areas, at the University of Birmingham in July 2017. These are available in two formats, as a ‘traditional’ pdf and as an e-book – with embedded films.
A further 400 entries are available, following change in these 15 communities on the Our Bigger Story website locations timeline.
Seven summative films about this research are also available.
The evaluation has been extended till 2020 – so watch this space for further news