The WMCA recently launched an Inclusive Growth Unit to try and ensure that all residents of the West Midlands benefit from economic growth in the region.
Mayor of the West Midlands, Andy Street said:
“Despite the region’s rapid growth, we know that many of its communities have not yet seen the benefits - unemployment remains higher than the national average, and evidence suggests that around 25% of children grow up with experience of poverty.” [i]
The Inclusive Growth Unit has brought together a range of organisations in an attempt to tackle these problems, including:
Professor Simon Collinson, Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Regional Economic Engagement, Director of City-REDI, University of Birmingham commented that:
“One of the most significant challenges of our time is to promote a more even distribution of wealth and more equal access to opportunity while maintaining economic growth and wealth creation. This is a critical priority at the national UK level, across and within our regions. Because of this City-REDI and the University of Birmingham are proud to be part of and contribute to the WMCA’s Inclusive Growth Unit.”
Professor Anne Green, Regional Economic Development, City-REDI, University of Birmingham added that:
"Having undertaken research on inclusive growth issues in the UK and also in selected cities internationally it is great to see the WMCA establishing an Inclusive Growth Unit. This will help ensure that inclusive growth concerns are embedded in broader strategies and considered in specific policy interventions. I am looking forward to contributing to the work of the Unit with colleagues at City-REDI and other partner organisations."
The unit will undertake a series of activities to help promote inclusive growth in the region. These include producing a West Midlands Inclusive Growth Audit, running a citizen engagement programme, establish a Population Hub data dashboard, as well as other new initiatives.
Read more about the WMCA Inclusive Growth Unit: