Working around a table

Would you like to help support and develop our students while also benefiting your organisation?

As part of their course our MSc Marketing studentscarry out a marketing / communications based consultancy project within an organisation.

They have the opportunity to ‘learn by doing’, while being guided by a university project supervisor. At the same time, the organisation gains access to a specialist marketing student who can focus on a key piece of work.

The organisation provides a clear brief and an agreement to pay any direct expenses that the student incurs during their project. The student produces a piece of dedicated research to support a key area of business.

Types of projects that the student might complete could include:

  • Investigating the size and structure of markets
  • Consumer attitudes towards products, services, brands or organisations.
  • Competitor analysis – understanding strategies, markets and performance.
  • New market potential – exploring the business potential for new product or service ideas.
  • Identifying and planning marketing communication campaigns – identifying appropriate media, targets, message and timing.

If you are interested in finding out more, please contact Laura Martin, Alumni Relations Manager (