As part of the £4m EPSRC - funded Multi-Scale Analysis for Facilities for Energy Storage (MANIFEST) project, the research consortium is offering eligible post-doctoral researchers support to visit partner institutions as part of a researcher exchange programme. The exchange is designed to support work on common research challenges between energy storage technologies and encourage collaborative working across institutions. The deadline for applications is 1 October 2018.

Up to £1,200 will be available for each successful applicant to cover accommodation, travel and subsistence at the host institution for at least two weeks. The costs of the research are not eligible. We expect to make up to five awards, with a limit of one award/institution.

  • Employed by an institution* participating in the MANIFEST project;
  • Be working in an area covered by the MANIFEST project;
  • Full consent for the exchange obtained from employer (including supervisor);
  • Formal agreement from host institution (including nominated supervisor);
  • Visits must end by 30 April 2019; and
  • A final report will be compiled detailing the outcomes and impact (format TBC).
  • Quality of the proposed research;
  • Fit to the MANIFEST research programme;
  • Proposed benefits to the candidate; and
  • Prospects of sustained collaborations as a result of the exchange.

Candidates must complete the MANIFEST Researcher Exchange application form [pdf], attach their current CV and evidence of consent from their employer and proposed host, returning both to Omar Saeed by 1 October 2018. If you have any queries about the application process, please contact Omar Saeed. Announcements will be made w/c 22 October 2018.

*Loughborough University, Newcastle University, University College London, University of Birmingham, University of Cambridge, Imperial College London, University of Liverpool, University of Manchester, University of Nottingham, University of Oxford, University of Sheffield, University of Southampton and University of Warwick and STFC.