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Engineering Rugby Club: An expanding team

This semester has been exciting for the School of Engineering RFC: becoming more inclusive with an alumni and Rolls Royce game to come next term! Club Chairman Guy Grimwood and Captain Alex Claxton tell us more.

Engineering Rugby logo

A start to the year like no other has braced us this term: two regular teams for the first time in the Club’s history and a huge influx of players. 

Most notably, 80 students turned up to our fresher’s welcome session with drinks and pizza right at the start of the year. This high turnout continued as we saw training sessions with an average of 60 people twice a week for most of the first term. As always, due to our flexibility with the commitment of our members – we understand rugby isn’t your entire life – numbers steadily remained at this level.

Highlights of this term have been, on top of this large player influx, being contacted by an old boy, who has graduated 20 years ago, and inviting him and his fellow alumni to the annual old boys’ fixture which will be played on the Bournbrook pitches next term. Our annual mystery tour where we ended up in Faro, Portugal and the wide array of socials – whether that be an organised weekly event, meetups in the pub or just members hanging out – have been prominent features of this term. The social inclusivity of the Club has improved further this year, making us as one of the most welcoming teams on campus – just ask our members!

During this November, as a club, we took part in Movember – growing sponsored moustaches to raise awareness for men’s health especially testicular cancer. We grew some super 80’s-esque ‘tashes and, led by the Club Captain, organised our first pub quiz night in aid of the cause. The night was a huge success with a 70-person turnout and the auction of old playing shirts at the end of the evening. All in all, we raised over £1,600 for the charity – with our compliments to their great cause.

Things to look forward to next term; a trip for the ones and twos to play Rolls Royce with a casual networking event after, old boys fixture, trip to watch Wasps, weekend to Newcastle to play and socialise, and much more!

Chairman Guy Grimwood and Captain Alex Claxton