New research undertaken by Thea Raisbeck for HCRG in collaboration with Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board (BSAB) and Spring Housing between January and October 2018 will help local actors to better understand and improve the exempt accommodation sub-sector in Birmingham.

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This little know sector provides short term accommodation for 10,000 vulnerable people in Birmingham. Better understanding of exempt accommodation is essential in responding to recent policies such as the Homelessness Reduction Act and changes to funding for supported housing. BSAB supported this stage of the research because of the risk, safety and well-being concerns raised by the growth of the sector in Birmingham.

The research is already generating major interest in Birmingham and nationally, and the Housing and Communities Network seminar on November 20th focused on implications for housing referrals into the sector from across the West Midlands. 

Download the Risk, Safety and Wellbeing in Shared ‘Exempt’ Accommodation in Birmingham, England full report and the summary.