HEFi Teaching Room, Old Gym on Friday 30th November, 1pm to 3pm.
Dr Vikki Burns
In the next five years, are you considering applying for promotion (3 legged or 2 legged), HEA fellowship, National Teaching Fellowship, or anything else that needs evidence of your teaching expertise? If so, come along to this workshop to think about how you can plan your careers, collect appropriate evidence, and create a convincing case. Vikki Burns is Head of Education in SportexR, a Reader on a Teaching Focused contract, a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a National Teaching Fellow and, if she ever follows her own advice and gets it finished, is applying for Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. In short, this means she’s spent an awful lot of time applying for things. Vikki will share the lessons she’s learned so far, the things she wishes she had started to do sooner, and the things she’s intending to do to build towards a Professor application. Hopefully, you’ll leave the workshop with some useful ideas and the beginnings of a plan. The workshop will take place in the new HEFi teaching room in the Old Gym, from 1pm to 3pm on Friday, 30th November and if you would like to book a place please contact Pat Nick (P.A.Nick@bham.ac.uk ) to confirm your place.