• The University of Birmingham is ranked amongst the world’s top 100 institutions. Its work brings people from across the world to Birmingham, including researchers, teachers and more than 5,000 international students from over 150 countries.
• University College Birmingham is a specialist institution, delivering both Higher Education degrees and Further Education courses, with a 70/30 split in favour of undergraduate and postgraduate study. Degree courses have a strong vocational focus and feature industrial placements in both the UK and overseas.
• South and City College Birmingham is one of the largest further education colleges in the country, with over 20,000 students and 8 campuses across the city.
• HEFCE is the Higher Education Funding Council for England. Its Catalyst fund provides targeted investment in projects led by universities and colleges.
• The fund supports a range of student and HE sector priorities, including innovation in higher education, efficiency and effectiveness, skills and employability, and student interest issues.
• Universities and colleges will work with industry to develop higher education provision across a number of important sectors which align with the ‘Grand Challenges’ identified in the Industrial Strategy. These include: