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Institute for German Studies - Research funding success

The Institute for German Studies (IGS) at UoB has been awarded 78,412 euro by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) for a two-year research project


The Institute for German Studies (IGS) at UoB has been awarded 78,412 euro by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) for a two-year research project,“Shifting Constellations: Germany and Global (Dis)Order” (January 2019 - December 2020) 

The IGS research project, to which a funded PhD studentship is attached, aims to analyse - from a range of disciplinary and geographical perspectives - how Germany is navigating significant disruptions to the “liberal international order”. It seeks to investigate Germany’s roles in response to these disruptions, to understand self-perceptions, expectations and contestations within Germany and from its partners in global politics, and to explore how Germany negotiates and enacts its various roles and its relations with some of its key partners and challengers in these turbulent times.

This project will explore Germany’s roles in, and responses to, shifting global constellations in four core research strands: Institutions; People; Media; Ideas and Identities. The project will bring early career researchers and staff to IGS Birmingham from DAAD German and European Studies Centres in China (Peking University), Japan (University of Tokyo), Poland (University of Wroclaw), the Russian Federation (St Petersburg State University), and the USA (Brandeis University), as well as from universities in Germany and the UK, for two interdisciplinary research workshops and a concluding international conference focused around these core research strands 

The project’s collaborations with partner institutions in key regions across the globe will facilitate the exchange of expertise on shifting constellations in the world today and consolidate the role of IGS Birmingham as a primary hub for the support and inspiration of German Studies in the United Kingdom, as well as its reputation as a leading global research centre. 

The PI on the project is Nick Martin (DoML). CIs are Charlotte Galpin, Julian Pänke and Maren Rohe (POLSIS) and Tara Windsor (DoML).