
Dr Hannah Price

Today, Wednesday 11 July 2018, the Institute of Physics (IOP) announced Birmingham researcher Dr Hannah Price is one of the winners of this year's awards.

Dr Hannah Price is a Birmingham Fellow and a Royal Society University Research Fellow in the Theoretical Physics group. Her research focuses on the creation and study of topological phases of matter in photonics and ultracold gases.

Reflecting on the announcement, Dr Price said: "I am delighted to have been awarded the IOP Maxwell Medal this year, and I would like to thank all my collaborators, the Royal Society and the university who have made this possible through their support.

"My research focuses on how we can bring the ideas of topology into experiments with atoms and photons, so as to discover and understand new and exotic phases of matter. In the future, I hope this may help us both to design more robust devices for applications and to explore fundamental questions, such as how physics would behave in worlds with more than three spatial dimensions."

The IOP’s annual awards celebrate the best of physics, both to reward researchers for groundbreaking work and to help inspire the next generation of physicists. Dr Price will receive her award at a prestigious awards ceremony later this year.

Last year, Dave Charlton, Birmingham professor of particle physics received the Institute of Physics medal for leadership for his experimental work on the electroweak standard model, beginning with the study of Z-boson decays at LEP and culminating in the discovery of the Higgs boson at the LHC.