Sustainability pic2

PhD student Anja Benedikt promoting sustainability.

The University of Birmingham provided work to almost 2,500 of its students last term, offering enriching experiences, skills and investment.

In the first term of 2017/18, from September to December, 2,448 students gained paid work within the University to fit around their studies. The University paid over £1m in wages during that period.

Since the University established its Worklink team, which operates like an employment agency, it has become clear that there are valuable opportunities and experiences being provided to students.

Worklink Recruitment Manager Rosie Birch said: “The opportunities we are able to offer our students include a wide variety of roles, from catering to research. We have paid £14m to students in wages since 2012 when we set up the service and the work experience they gain benefits them when they enter the competitive graduate market. Staff know that if they need some creative work to be undertaken, employing a student to do it is a great investment.”

Work students undertake include (but are not limited to):

  • Mobile app development.
  • Digital communications help.
  • Hospitality roles.
  • IT based roles
  • Roles supporting Up Our Street – an online social action resource co-created by University students.
  • Events support.
  • Media analysis support.

Worklink operates under strict arrangements to ensure that no student works more than a set number of hours during term time to protect study time.

PhD student Anja Benedikt undertook some paid work via Worklink around a Safety and Sustainability Exhibition the University held in 2017.

With more than 30 different stalls covering a variety of areas, University staff needed additional support to engage with students, run games and activities, and ensure the event went smoothly and successfully.

Anja said: "Student employment on campus not only allows me to get an extra income, but also to learn about the University's processes, events and involvement, and to feel part of the University and student community. As a PhD student, it is nice to sometimes have the opportunity to do something practical between studying, and even more so if the work is fun and involves helping other students or promoting a good cause."

For further information, please contact Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Manager Sally Xerri-Brooks on +44 (0)121 4143984.